Is Dr. Ken Cancelled?ย
All you need to know about Dr. Ken TV show. Find out about the cancel/renew status and premiere date of Dr. Ken season 2 and Dr. Ken Season 3.
Find out the cancel/renew status of Dr. Ken TV show.
Has Dr. Ken been cancelled? Is Dr. Ken renewed for the 2021-2022 season?
We have the most reliable information on whether Dr. Ken is cancelled or renewed for the 2021/22 season or beyond. See below to discover whether there be Season 3 of Dr. Ken!
Status: Cancelled
Series Run: October 2, 2015 – March 31, 2017
Total current Season(s): 2
Network(s): ABC
Genre: Sitcom
Dr. Ken Series Information:
Doctor turned actor/comedian Ken Jeong plays Dr. Ken, a brilliant physician with no bedside manner. He is always trying to be a good doctor, as well as a good husband and dad to his two kids. Luckily, his therapist wife Allison is just the right partner to keep things sane. [ABC]
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