ITV TV Shows Cancel/Renew Status Page
Here we have the complete list of ITV shows. You’ll find the following information on this page for the broadcaster ITV: ITV shows cancelled 2021, ITV shows cancelled 2022, ITV shows renewed 2021, ITV shows renewed 2022. Our ITV TV show guides are constantly updated to provide you with clear and easy access to the very latest ITV cancel/renew status. See ITV cancellations, renewals and TV scorecards in the sections below.
ITV 2022-23 Season Scorecards
Use the ITV below to learn the current status of all active ITV shows for the 2021-22 season and find out which of them have been cancelled or renewed for the upcoming 2022-2023 season:
Shows |
Status |
Final Season |
Cancelled |
Renewed through Season 7 |
Renewed for Season 2 |
Renewed for Season 23 |
Renewed for Season 2 |
Renewed through Season 3 |
Renewed through Season 5 |
Renewed through Season 3 |
Didn't see your show listed in theย ITV TV scorecard above? Perhaps it was cancelled last season or in previous seasons? See the full list of ITV TV shows below and click on the show to find out its current status, including cancel/renew information, premiere date, synopsis and more!