Is Blind Sighted with Kelly MacDonald Cancelled?ย
All you need to know about Blind Sighted with Kelly MacDonald TV show. Find out about the cancel/renew status and premiere date of Blind Sighted with Kelly MacDonald season 1 and Blind Sighted with Kelly MacDonald Season 2.
Find out the cancel/renew status of Blind Sighted with Kelly MacDonald TV show.
Has Blind Sighted with Kelly MacDonald been cancelled? Is Blind Sighted with Kelly MacDonald renewed for the 2021-2022 season?
We have the most reliable information on whether Blind Sighted with Kelly MacDonald is cancelled or renewed for the 2021/22 season or beyond. See below to discover whether there be Season 2 of Blind Sighted with Kelly MacDonald!
Status: Renewed for Season 2
Series Run: March 19, 2015 –
Total current Season(s): 1
Network(s): AMI
Genre: Factual
Blind Sighted with Kelly MacDonald Series Information:
Blind Sighted is a half hour show that depicts Kelly MacDonaldโs tenacity for life from his perspective. Every week is a little different... from indoor skydiving to chatting with prominent Canadians like retired Astronaut Chris Hadfield or actor Eric Peterson. Always insightful, Blind Sighted is an informative, captivating mix of Kellyโs experiences and interviews that will inspire and entertain everyone. โโโโโโโโโโโโโโโ
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