The sequel, “Your Christmas Or Mine 2,” follows the young couple James (Asa Butterfield) and Hayley (Cora Kirk) as they approach their second Christmas together. Set to premiere on Prime Video on December 8, the film promises more chaos with the Taylor and Hughes families. The stellar British cast, including Alex Jennings, Daniel Mays, David Bradley, Angela Griffin, Natalie Gumede, Rhea Norwood, and newcomer Jane Krakowski, returns for another festive adventure. This time, James’ father invites the Taylors to a luxury ski resort, leading to a mix-up that lands the families in different accommodations on opposite ends of the Tripadvisor ratings scale. The question remains: Can James and Hayley’s relationship survive another uproarious family Christmas, or has their future taken an unexpected turn? Find out in this heartwarming holiday film on Prime Video.
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