Tough as Nails Season 5 returns to TV with a thrilling two-hour episode on July 2 and July 7. Filmed in Hamilton, Ontario, the competition series features hardworking Americans and Canadians facing real-life challenges. Hosted by Phil Keoghan, watch as essential workers test their physical and mental toughness. Stream it on Paramount+ along with other CBS summer shows like Secret Celebrity Renovation and Big Brother Season 25.
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About Tough As Nails Season 5 TV Show
In the fifth season of Tough as Nails, everyday Americans and Canadians come together to showcase their resilience and determination. Hosted by Phil Keoghan, this reality competition series celebrates hardworking individuals who consider their calloused hands a symbol of pride. Filmed in the steel-town of Hamilton, Ontario, contestants face real-world challenges that test their strength, endurance, life skills, and mental toughness. While individuals are gradually eliminated, they continue to compete as teams for a chance to win additional cash prizes. With gripping challenges and inspiring stories, Tough as Nails Season 5 is a thrilling journey that highlights the grit and determination of essential workers.
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