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About The Great Food Truck Race TV Show
Seven winning alumni teams from The Great Food Truck Race are back for an action-packed culinary journey to decide once and for all which truck is the ultimate champion in The Great Food Truck Race: All-Stars, premiering Sunday, June 6th at 9pm ET/PT on Food Network and streaming the same day on discovery+. Hosted by Tyler Florence and shot on-location in the food mecca of San Francisco and the Bay Area, each team must prove their cooking chops, marketing savvy and selling skills to stay in the game. Kicking off at Fisherman's Wharf with a bread bowl battle, the route then hits Napa Valley's famed wineries for a grape-stomping challenge, the Redwoods for a foraging adventure, Ocean Beach for a seaside bites competition and a hoop shooting contest at the home arena of the Golden State Warriors, ultimately ending in Chinatown where only one team is awarded $50,000 and named all-time champion of The Great Food Truck Race.
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