Netflix announces the second season of SUMMERTIME the original Italian Netflix series produced by Cattleya
After the success of the first season, Netflix confirms the second season of Summertime, the Italian original series produced by Cattleya – part of ITV Studios.
The main cast, who already conquered the hearts of the first season’s audience, is also returning: Summer (Coco Rebecca Edogamhe), Ale (Ludovico Tersigni), Dario (Andrea Lattanzi), Sofia (Amanda Campana), Edo (Giovanni Maini) and Blue (Alicia Ann Edogamhe). Along with them, Thony will be back as Summer and Blue’s mom Isabella?, and Mario Sgueglia? as Ale’s dad ?Maurizio.?
The second season will be directed by Francesco Lagi, co-director and co-writer of the first season, and by Marta Savina. The second season will be directed by Francesco Lagi, co-director and co-writer of the first season, and by Marta Savina. Each episode will be written by Enrico Audenino and Francesco Lagi with Daniela Gambaro, Luca Giordano and Vanessa Picciarelli working alongside them on the scripts of various episodes.
The second season of Summertime will take the audience back to the summer atmosphere on Italy’s Adriatic Coast, thanks also to the support of Emilia-Romagna Film Commission.
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About Summertime TV Show
Summertime is a modern love story set during the summer on Italy's Adriatic Coast. An undeniable attraction brings together Ale and Summer, who come from very different worlds. He is an ex motorcycle champion, wild and determined to take back the reins of his life. She refuses to conform her life to the masses and dreams of flying far away, but she knows she is the glue that holds her family together. Their love will blossom as the first umbrellas open on the beach and grow strong and vibrant with the summer sun. For both, these holidays will be an unforgettable journey that will take them far from who they were before they met.
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