Freeform has made some programming changes, as it has decided to cancel the shows Single Drunk Female and The Watchful Eye. Single Drunk Female, which aired for two seasons, follows Samantha Fink, a young alcoholic who moves back home to sober up with her mother. The series is created by Simone Finch and features Sofia Black-D’Elia, Ally Sheedy, and others in the cast. The Watchful Eye, a Hitchcockian thriller, revolves around Elena Santos, a nanny with her own secrets who discovers the deadly secrets of the wealthy inhabitants in her workplace. The show stars Mariel Molino and is created by Julie Durk. Emily Fox serves as the showrunner for The Watchful Eye.
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What shows are ALREADY renewed for next season? Check the TV shows renewed 2022-2023 list.
About ‘Single Drunk Female’ & ‘The Watchful Eye’ TV Show
Freeform has canceled two shows: Single Drunk Female and The Watchful Eye. Single Drunk Female follows Samantha, a 20-something alcoholic who moves back in with her overbearing mother to sober up. The Watchful Eye is a contemporary thriller about a nanny named Elena who uncovers deadly secrets among the wealthy residents of the building she works in. Unfortunately, both shows have been axed after their respective seasons.
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