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About Shrill TV Show
The third and final season of "Shrill" premieres all eight episodes on Friday, May 7. The new season finds Annie (Aidy Bryant) energized by her breakup with dud boyfriend Ryan (Luka Jones) and her newfound momentum at work. Annie feels like everything is finally falling into place for her, but does she actually know how to get what she wants?
"Shrill" stars Aidy Bryant, Lolly Adefope, Ian Owens and John Cameron Mitchell. The series is executive produced by Ali Rushfield, who also serves as showrunner, Aidy Bryant, Lindy West, Rob Klein, Elizabeth Banks, Max Handelman, Lorne Michaels and Andrew Singer. The series is produced by Warner Bros. Television, Broadway Video and Brownstone Productions. Warner Bros. Television serves as the international distributor.
Annie starts the season on a high. She has faced her demons head on - her mom, her boss and her troll - and she's feeling pretty good. She also has her boyfriend Ryan by her side. But the high doesn't last long. Annie realizes that quitting her job was a hasty move.
Things aren't perfect with Annie's mom either. She cleared the air, but the old problems are still there and there is way more to deal with.
When it comes to relationships, Annie thought she wanted Ryan's commitment and love, but that may have been a hasty move as well. It's nice to have someone, but is Ryan really the right match for her? She's career-focused and ambitious and he's... not. Meanwhile, Fran is dealing with a break-up and figuring out what she really wants out of her life, too.
This season Annie is no longer the doormat she once was, but it's not as easy as she thought to get what she always imagined she wanted.
Shrill is executive produced by Lorne Michaels, Elizabeth Banks, Aidy Bryant, showrunner Ali Rushfield, Lindy West, Andrew Singer of Broadway Video and Max Handelman of Brownstone Productions. Ali Rushfield, Lindy West, and Aidy Bryant serve as co-writers. The series is produced by Warner Bros., Broadway Video, and Brownstone Productions. Warner Bros. will serve as the international distributor.
When the morning after pill fails and aspiring journalist Annie winds up pregnant, she weighs the pros and cons of having a child with her hook-up buddy. The decision-making process forces Annie, with help from her best friend Fran, to figure out who she is and what she wants from her life.
From Executive Producers Lorne Michaels and Elizabeth Banks comes Shrill, a comedy series starring Aidy Bryant (Saturday Night Live) as Annie, a fat young woman who wants to change her life - but not her body. Annie is trying to start her career while juggling bad boyfriends, a sick parent, and a perfectionist boss.
Hulu has renewed Shrill for a 8-episode second season. Please see bullets below for details.Hulu has renewed Shrill for an 8-episode second season.The series is executive produced by Lorne Michaels, Elizabeth Banks, showrunner Ali Rushfield, Lindy West, Andrew Singer of Broadway Video, Max Handelman of Brownstone Productions, and Aidy Bryant. Dannah Shinder of Brownstone Productions will serve as a producer.Season one followed Annie (SNL's Aidy Bryant), a fat young woman who wants to change her life - but not her body. Annie is trying to start her career while juggling bad boyfriends, a sick parent, and a perfectionist boss.The first season starred Bryant, Lolly Adefope, Luka Jones, Ian Owens, John Cameron Mitchell, Patti Harrison, Julia Sweeney, and Daniel Stern.The series is produced by Warner Bros. Television, Broadway Video and Brownstone Productions. Warner Bros. International Television Distribution will serve as the international distributor.Season two will premiere in 2020.
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