The popular Adult Swim animated series, Rick and Morty, is set to make its return on October 15th at 11 p.m. ET/PT with fresh episodes from Season 7. The show depicts the escapades of a brilliant yet sociopathic scientist and his timid grandson on perilous journeys through the cosmos. Season 7, available for streaming in 2024, marks a new chapter for the series, showcasing the ongoing creativity of the Rick and Morty team, as mentioned by Adult Swim President Michael Ouweleen. Notably, this season will be the first without co-creator and star Justin Roiland due to his separation from Warner Bros. Discovery. Voice roles are being recast, with potential replacements hinted at in a press release that also promises a multitude of intriguing storylines.
What shows are ALREADY cancelled this season? Check the official cancelled shows 2021/2022 list.
What shows are ALREADY renewed for next season? Check the TV shows renewed 2022-2023 list.
About Rick And Morty Season 7 TV Show
In the animated series "Rick and Morty," a brilliant yet sociopathic scientist, Rick Sanchez, drags his timid grandson, Morty Smith, on wild and dangerous interdimensional adventures. As they navigate the chaos of the universe, they encounter bizarre creatures, complex ethical dilemmas, and existential challenges. The show blends science fiction elements with dark humor, exploring the dynamics between the duo and their dysfunctional family. Season 7 continues their cosmic escapades, introducing new voices and narratives while delving into intricate storylines and unexpected twists.
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Wondering how your other Adult Swim shows are doing? Check out the Adult Swim 2021 TV scorecard page, where you can find the cancel/renew status of all Adult Swim TV shows!
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