Apple TV+ has released the trailer for the third and final season of the dark comedy series “Physical,” starring Rose Byrne and created by Annie Weisman. Joining the cast is Zooey Deschanel. Set in 1980s San Diego, the show follows Sheila Rubin’s journey from a tormented housewife to a successful fitness entrepreneur. In this concluding season, Sheila’s newfound confidence is challenged by celebrity exercise guru Kelly Kilmartin. The season premieres on August 2, 2023, with two episodes and continues with weekly releases until September 27. Apple TV+ offers a wide range of high-quality original content and has received numerous awards and nominations.
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About Physical TV Show
In the dark comedy series "Physical," set in 1980s San Diego, Sheila Rubin, played by Rose Byrne, transforms from a tormented housewife to a successful fitness entrepreneur. Battling personal demons and a challenging marriage, Sheila finds her confidence through her work and forms a dangerous rivalry with a rising celebrity exercise guru, played by Zooey Deschanel. As the series concludes, Sheila's hard-fought healing and stability are at stake.
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