The hilarious workplace comedy “Minx” returns on July 21, premiering on STARZ. Set in 1970s Los Angeles, the series follows Joyce, a feminist, and Doug, a publisher, as they navigate the world of their groundbreaking erotic magazine. Expect explosive success, thrilling adventures, and comedic chaos for the Bottom Dollar crew. Starring Ophelia Lovibond and Jake Johnson. Created by Ellen Rapoport and produced by Lionsgate Television. Don’t miss “Minx” on STARZ.
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About Minx for Season 2 TV Show
"Minx" is a hilarious workplace comedy set in 1970s Los Angeles. The show revolves around Joyce, a young feminist, and Doug, a publisher, as they team up to create the first erotic magazine for women. In the second season, the Bottom Dollar crew navigates the explosive success of Minx, leading them to exciting new experiences filled with money, fame, and temptation. With witty humor and a stellar cast, including Ophelia Lovibond and Jake Johnson, "Minx" delivers a delightful blend of comedy and drama. Get ready for more laughs and adventures as "Minx" returns to STARZ.
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