Peacock’s top reality series “Love Island USA” gets a two-season renewal following the success of its Summer 2023 run, bringing sexy singles together in a quest for love in a stunning villa, with new challenges and twists. The renewal follows the debut of the franchise’s first spinoff, “Love Island Games.” Both series are produced by ITV Entertainment and are part of Peacock’s diverse lineup of Originals. Seasons 4 and 5 are available for streaming on Peacock.
What shows are ALREADY cancelled this season? Check the official cancelled shows 2021/2022 list.
What shows are ALREADY renewed for next season? Check the TV shows renewed 2022-2023 list.
About Love Island USA TV Show
In "Love Island USA," Peacock's #1 original reality series, a group of attractive singles embarks on a quest for love in a stunning villa. Set in a tropical oasis, contestants couple up and face exhilarating challenges, encountering unexpected twists. Following immense popularity in its Summer 2023 run, the show has been renewed for two additional seasons. The renewal news coincided with the launch of the franchise's first spinoff, "Love Island Games," where fan-favorite Islanders from the UK, USA, AUS, and beyond get a second shot at love. Produced by ITV Entertainment, the series is available for streaming on Peacock, offering viewers an engaging and dramatic exploration of romantic connections.
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Wondering how your other Peacock shows are doing? Check out the Peacock 2021 TV scorecard page, where you can find the cancel/renew status of all Peacock TV shows!
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