Announcing the remastered HD release of ‘L.A. Law’ on Hulu, starting November 3. This classic ’80s legal drama features all 8 seasons, with upgraded visuals and the original licensed music intact. The series delves into the intertwined personal and professional lives of the employees of the Los Angeles law firm McKenzie, Brackman, Chaney & Kuzak, boasting an ensemble cast including Harry Hamlin, Jimmy Smits, Blair Underwood, and Susan Dey. ‘L.A. Law’ garnered numerous awards and nominations, making it a beloved and enduring series.
What shows are ALREADY cancelled this season? Check the official cancelled shows 2021/2022 list.
What shows are ALREADY renewed for next season? Check the TV shows renewed 2022-2023 list.
About L.A. Law TV Show
In the remastered classic '80s legal drama "L.A. Law," viewers are immersed in the intertwined personal and professional lives of the employees at the prestigious Los Angeles law firm of McKenzie, Brackman, Chaney & Kuzak. Led by a stellar ensemble cast, including Harry Hamlin, Jimmy Smits, Blair Underwood, and Susan Dey, the series delves into their legal triumphs and personal challenges. This long-running show has received numerous awards, including Emmy and Golden Globe accolades. Discover the drama, ethics, and intrigue that unfold within the legal world of "L.A. Law."
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