Prepare for an impending war as the highly anticipated Season 2 of “Foundation” returns on July 14, exclusively on Apple TV+. Set more than a century after the events of Season 1, tensions rise across the galaxy. The Cleons face internal strife as a vengeful queen plots to dismantle the Empire from within. Meanwhile, Hari, Gaal, and Salvor stumble upon a group of Mentalics with extraordinary powers that could disrupt psychohistory itself. As the Foundation and Empire hurtle towards a collision, the fate of humanity hangs in the balance.
Emmy-nominated actors Jared Harris and Lee Pace lead the cast of “Foundation,” joined by emerging talents Lou Llobell and Leah Harvey. Season 2 introduces a fresh ensemble, including Isabella Laughland as Brother Constant, Kulvinder Ghir as Poly Verisof, Ella-Rae Smith as Queen Sareth of Cloud Dominion, Holt McCallany as Warden Jaegger Fount, Rachel House as Tellem Bond, Nimrat Kaur as Yanna Seldon, Ben Daniels as Bel Riose, and Dimitri Leonidas as Hober Mallow.
“Foundation” is a Skydance Television production for Apple TV+, helmed by showrunner and executive producer David S. Goyer. The series is also executive produced by Alex Graves, David Ellison, Dana Goldberg, Bill Bost, Robyn Asimov, and Marcy Ross. Don’t miss the thrilling continuation of this epic science-fiction saga. Watch Season 2 of “Foundation” exclusively on Apple TV+.
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About Foundation TV Show
In the second season of "Foundation," tensions rise across the galaxy as an inevitable war looms. The Cleons face internal struggles while a vengeful queen plots to dismantle the Empire from within. Meanwhile, a discovery of Mentalics with extraordinary abilities threatens to alter psychohistory itself. As the Foundation and Empire head towards a collision, the fate of humanity hangs in the balance. Led by an exceptional cast, including Jared Harris and Lee Pace, "Foundation" continues its epic science fiction journey, filled with intrigue, conflict, and the struggle for survival.
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