Fox has decided not to renew Fantasy Island for a third season, putting an end to the tropical island getaways for the network.
The contemporary version of the classic drama series, which was approved by Fox in 2021, was set in a luxurious resort and featured Roselyn Sanchez as Elena Roarke, a descendant of the enigmatic Mr. Roarke from the original series. The show followed a low-cost business model, which meant it had a lower threshold for success. However, despite the show’s fun and escapist nature, Fox has chosen to bring it to a close. The network expressed its satisfaction with the creative aspects of Fantasy Island and its hopes for strong viewer engagement.
Fox also acknowledged its partnership with Sony Pictures Television and its plans to continue collaborating on other projects such as Accused, Alert: Missing Persons Unit, Doc, and the upcoming animated series Universal Basic Guys/Hoagie Bros. The network extended gratitude to the cast, including Roselyn Sánchez, Kiara Barnes, and John Gabriel Rodriquez, as well as the crew and executive producers Liz Craft, Sarah Fain, and Anne Clements for their contributions to the series.
The original Fantasy Island premiered in 1977 with Ricardo Montalbán as Mr. Roarke and Hervé Villechaize as his assistant Tattoo. A reboot of the show aired in 1998 with Malcolm McDowell playing Mr. Roarke.
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About Fantasy Island TV Show
In the contemporary version of Fantasy Island, set in a luxurious resort, Elena Roarke, a descendant of the enigmatic Mr. Roarke from the original series, welcomes guests seeking their ultimate fantasies. However, Fox has decided not to renew the show for a third season, bringing an end to the tropical island escapes. Despite its low-cost business model and hopes for strong viewer engagement, the network has chosen to sunset the series. The show's creative and escapist elements were well-received, but Fox is shifting its focus to other projects in collaboration with Sony Pictures Television. The original Fantasy Island, which premiered in 1977, featured Mr. Roarke and his assistant Tattoo, while a 1998 reboot starred Malcolm McDowell as Mr. Roarke.
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