Matt Groening’s adult animated fantasy comedy series, Disenchantment, is set to conclude after its upcoming fifth season on Netflix. The final season will premiere on September 1. Another series, Big Mouth, is also heading into its last season, leaving Love, Death & Robots as the only remaining show from Netflix’s initial wave of adult animated comedies. The genre has seen limited breakout hits on the platform, while several new series are still awaiting their fate.
What shows are ALREADY cancelled this season? Check the official cancelled shows 2021/2022 list.
What shows are ALREADY renewed for next season? Check the TV shows renewed 2022-2023 list.
About Disenchantment TV Show
In the adult animated fantasy comedy series "Disenchantment," created by Matt Groening for Netflix, we follow the adventures of Princess Bean of Dreamland, her personal demon Luci, and the naive elf, Elfo. As they embark on a journey filled with humor, magic, and mischief, they encounter various mythical creatures and face challenges in the whimsical and medieval world of Dreamland. Along the way, they uncover dark secrets and forge unlikely friendships, making their mark on the kingdom's destiny. The show blends humor, fantasy, and satire, providing an entertaining and quirky take on traditional fairy tales.
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