The teens from Big Mouth navigate the challenges of high school in Season 7. Change is a constant theme as they face new schools, friends, rivals, and Hormone Monsters. The penultimate season premieres globally on October 20, 2023, and features guest appearances by Megan Thee Stallion, Lupita Nyong’o, Zazie Beetz, Padma Lakshmi, Maitreyi Ramakrishnan, Billy Porter, and more, along with an original song by LIN-MANUEL MIRANDA.
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About Big Mouth TV Show
Big Mouth is an animated coming-of-age comedy series that hilariously explores the trials and tribulations of adolescence. It follows a group of teenagers as they grapple with the challenges of puberty, including raging hormones, first crushes, and the awkwardness of growing up. Guided by their Hormone Monsters and other fantastical creatures, they navigate the often embarrassing and confusing journey to adulthood. The series fearlessly tackles themes of sexuality, identity, and self-discovery, delivering humor and insight in equal measure. "Big Mouth" offers a candid and uproarious look at the rollercoaster ride of adolescence that everyone can relate to.
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