Fifteen years have passed since the powerful ancient wizard, Dark Schneider, was sealed away after his plans for domination were thwarted. However, a new threat looms as the Dark Rebel Army seeks to resurrect the god of destruction, Anthrasax, and launch an invasion of the Kingdom of Meta-llicana.
In the face of this perilous situation, Tia Noto Yoko, daughter of the Great Priest, unleashes her magical prowess to unseal Dark Schneider. With his overwhelming arcane power, Dark Schneider confronts the Dark Rebel Army, clashing magnificently with Abigail, one of the Four Divine Kings. However, a catastrophic explosion obliterates the Kingdom of Meta-llicana, leaving everyone vanished without a trace.
Two years later, the formidable Kall-Su, another of the Four Divine Kings, has risen as the High King, commanding an army led by the 12 Sorcerer Shoguns. They relentlessly search for Princess Sheila, the key to Anthrasax’s resurrection. In the ruins of the Kingdom of A-Ian-Maide, survivors unite around the samurai, forming a resistance that engages in epic clashes with the Sorcerer Shoguns across the land. Among the samurai corps is none other than Tia Noto Yoko, the survivor of the great war.
Prepare for an electrifying showdown in the “Hell’s Requiem” arc, adapted from the beloved original manga, as Season 2 of the Netflix Series “BASTARD!! -Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy-” takes viewers on a thrilling journey. Witness the holy war unfold as the fate of Anthrasax’s final seal hangs in the balance, while Dark Schneider faces off against the formidable Kall-Su.
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About BASTARD!! TV Show
In the second season of BASTARD!! -Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy-, Dark Schneider experiences a complete resurrection, and an urgent search ensues to find Sheila Tuel, the key to reviving the God of Destruction Anthrasax. Led by Kal=Su and his twelve Sorcerer Shogun, they aim to fulfill their ambitions. Meanwhile, the warriors of the Kingdom of Meta-llicana embark on a perilous journey to the final battleground, determined to prevent Kal=Su's plans and safeguard the last seal of the destruction god. As the battle intensifies, love emerges amidst the chaos. The season features the intense metal theme "NEW DAWN" by coldrain as the opening song, and the poignant ending song "La Muse perdue" by Tielle. Brace yourself for a destined clash between dark forces and the enduring spirit of humanity.
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