What shows are ALREADY cancelled this season? Check the official cancelled shows 2021/2022 list.
What shows are ALREADY renewed for next season? Check the TV shows renewed 2022-2023 list.
About Trash Truck TV Show
Hank, Trash Truck and animal pals Walter, Donny and Ms. Mona let their imaginations take them on heartwarming adventures in their backyard and beyond! Season 2 of Trash Truck is available on Netflix May 4!
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Wondering how your other Netflix shows are doing? Check out the Netflix 2021 TV scorecard page, where you can find the cancel/renew status of all Netflix TV shows!
How do you feel about this latest Trash Truck news? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below and don’t forget to stay tuned for all the renew/cancel 2021-2022 and beyond news!
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